We have reached a point where technological capital is occupying the human place in many fields of life. Since the Industrial Revolution, it was observed that machines came to improve the day-to-day life of the general population, and whose main objective was to carry out tedious tasks that involved great physical effort or a long time interval in their completion.
Over the years, all these processes have been perfected, until we reach the moment in which we are. A contemporary era where the progress of technology has exceeded all the expectations of decades ago, and which has allowed us to enter the so-called Digital Revolution.
Practically no field of life is alien to this new reality. If we focus on the world of entertainment, it has taken a radical turn in recent years. The audiovisual offer is adjusted to the consumer preferences of each individual, since they can enjoy series, movies or music at any time and place, without having to wait for a set time and date.
In the short term, to all this we should add Artificial Intelligence, a tool that gives the machines in which it is installed a life of its own.
There are fields or areas that have already implemented this AI within all their processes in a generalized way. One of them is that of online gambling, in which each user who accesses platforms of this nature sees how they are offered a much more personalized experience and also removes possible failures that could arise with the development of the activity itself.
On many occasions, the user is about to play against the machine. Something that in the vast majority of cases would be preferred for the person of flesh and blood, it has been shown that with this new tool infallible machines can be created in certain games.
Without going any further, Facebook has just launched a new type of Artificial Intelligence that never loses when facing a game of poker in front of a human. This fact would be unthinkable, just a few years ago, but it may be the beginning of the symptomatology that machines will be above humans in the near future.
At this point, it is worth asking the question, is so much technological progress good for society and its nearest future?