Samuel García requests a license to run for Presidency in 2024

Samuel Garcia Nuevo Leon
MONTERREY, NUEVO LEÓN 15JUNIO2022.- Dio inicio el programa de desarme voluntario, donde al ser entregada un arma de fuego exclusiva del Ejército Mexicano se paga desde 500 hasta 3mil, 500 pesos en vales de despensa en acorde al tipo de armamento. Al evento acudieron el Comandante de la Séptima Zona Militar; José Luis Chiñas, Samuel García y el Secretario de Seguridad Pública del estado Aldo Fasci. FOTO: GABRIELA PÉREZ MONTIEL / CUARTOSCURO.COM

The governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García, formally presented a request to the Congress of the State of Nuevo León in which he urgently requested a temporary license of six months, with the purpose of separating from his position and participating as a candidate in the elections. presidential elections of Mexico in 2024. 

In his letter to the State Congress, Samuel García highlighted his desire to participate in the 2023-2024 electoral process and compete for the presidency of the United Mexican States. The governor of Nuevo León highlighted the importance of following legal and constitutional procedures to achieve his objective, specifying that article 82, section VI of the Constitution establishes the need to separate from office six months before the day of the presidential election.

“By virtue of the above, I request that my request be turned on an urgent basis and that what leads to the requested separation be determined through the figure of a temporary license for 6 months, which must be computed before the day of the presidential election,” states the letter sent by Samuel García.

The license request by the governor of Nuevo León includes the appointment of the Secretary General of the Government, Javier Navarro, as office manager, ensuring that governance and continuity of essential functions are maintained during the temporary absence.

In addition, García reported that he will not receive his salary during the leave period and that the corresponding administrative procedures will be followed.

At the end of August, the governor of Nuevo León revealed his interest in leading a presidential candidacy, with a view to the 2024 elections.

During the awards ceremony of the State Youth Institute, held on August 28, García showed himself as a fresh option for the “old men” who arrive at the elections.

He pointed out that for the next presidential elections, there will be more than 10 million new votes that correspond to the population that turned 18 during the last six-year term, which is why he assured that these young people require a representative.