Differences between Inbound and Outbound Marketing

Inbound and Outbound Marketing

Inbound and Outbound Marketing are two strategies that share a common goal: to generate traffic, leads, and sales for the company.

Each strategy has its pros and cons, although they have reached the point that each one can be used to supplement some deficiency that the other has.

With the above in mind, we will detail each of the marketing strategies in depth and try to explain which one is the best to use:

Of course, before starting, do you know what both are based on for their decision-making? In data marketing, an issue that allows them to make the right decisions at the most precise moments of their customer journey.

Differences between Inbound and Outbound Marketing

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing is based on using advertising elements that are not intrusive, in order to attract the consumer through valuable content and unique experiences.

This concept is also known as Content Marketing since it involves the creation of publications on different social networks and using various advertising techniques.

The constant interaction that the content creator has with consumers is also involved here, as it will help to obtain a positive impression of the brand, thus influencing the purchase decision.

In summary: Inbound Marketing attracts the consumer through a series of actions, which make their commitment increase and a possible sale happens.

What is Outbound Marketing?

Outbound Marketing is the set of actions that aim to capture the consumer’s attention through more direct methods.

Its main characteristic is based on interrupting the user using techniques that he would not expect , such as some traditional marketing tactic that annoys the user, for example.

Over the years, consumers have evolved and the methods of transmitting information have changed. Do not expect that when interrupting you with an offer they will take it without thinking, it is necessary to know when is the right time to show them what you can offer them.

Differences between Inbound and Outbound Marketing

The difference between both elements is easy to detect, since Inbound simply seeks to attract the customer’s attention without generating interruptions and with valuable content, while Outbound does the opposite and is focused on obtaining sales .

In the following paragraphs we will detail their most notable differences and we will make a brief contrast of each one:

1. Inbound Marketing

  • It bases its methodology on the user and associates it as a potential potential customer. Seeks to gain their interest and trust through valuable and unique content.
  • It wins the consumer’s attention without interruption, that is, it is the customer who gets the content.
  • It uses digital media for its constant growth.
  • In Inbound Marketing, communication occurs in a bidirectional way , that is, there is feedback, which gives the opportunity to interact and know the needs and opinions of customers.
  • It allows us to reach a greater number of people, since the projects developed will be focused on a Buyer Person, which will help us to satisfy their needs with greater clarity.
  • The budget invested is much lower than Outbound Marketing , since it uses (mostly) digital media for its dissemination.
  • Each item on display is intended to inform and entertain, not to go on sale directly.
  • The results exhibited throughout the developed marketing campaign can be measured , which will make it possible to check the performance of the actions throughout the process. It also helps to modify future strategies to generate more rewarding changes with better results.

2. Outbound Marketing

  • The general idea is based on the brand and the product, showing the characteristics and elements that compose it.
  • Interrupts the customer, even when the customer did not request the information .
  • Clients are obtained through traditional media (press, radio, television …), with the intention of attracting their attention.
  • The communication is unidirectional , causing a lack of knowledge in the opinion of the consumer.
  • It does not measure who the information wants to reach, being counterproductive, since it does not cause any effect on those who are not interested.
  • The budget invested is usually high , since advertising spaces are hired in busy areas.
  • As it is used in traditional media, in most cases it is difficult to measure, except with tools dedicated entirely to media monitoring .

Inbound and Outbound: Which is more effective?

Both strategies are mutually exclusive and, although Outbound Marketing is based on traditional media and is more intrusive advertising, it is a method that worked for years and continues to be talked about today.

The ideal would always be to base our strategy on sales techniques that lead the consumer to buy in a much more natural way. However, we know that in these times it is not so easy to reach the customer regardless of the method we use, it will always be possible to create valuable content that satisfies what they really need.

In summary, we could not define which would be better or more effective, although we can mention that it is possible to use the shortcomings of each to complement our marketing strategy.

Inbound and Outbound Marketing, what happens at the end?

Over the years, many small, medium and large marketing agencies have had to evolve into the world of Inbound , while others have still decided to bet and invest in Outbound as part of their strategy.

Time made it clear that investing in an Inbound strategy is more profitable, since it will be directed only to those you want; otherwise than what happens with Outbound, as there is no segmentation.